It is unnecessarily complicated, burdened with extreme administrative overhead costs, unaccessible to many, and struggling economically. Too often, it creates outcomes that are financially and personally devastating. This is not due to the doctors and nurses - on the contrary, their dedication to providing care to patients in need is an example of humanity at its best.
Fixing healthcare means aligning the system’s structure with the fundamental goals of affordable, accessible, high-quality care for all and fair and supportive compensation for healthcare providers and institutions.
We should also strengthen community healthcare, including caregiver programs, local clinics, alternative and preventative medicine, and community-based providers such as doulas.
My goals include:
- Streamline authorization for immigrant healthcare providers.
- Recruit, train, and hire more nurses.
- Provide economic support to hospitals that took a major hit during covid.
- Push for a universal healthcare system, such as Whole Washington - save $90billion while covering everyone with more comprehensive care than we currently have.
- Improve working conditions for healthcare providers.
- Make community clinics accessible and affordable for everyone.
- End employer-provided healthcare - it’s an unnecessary cost on employers, and a constraint on job mobility and freedom of choice for workers.
- Support preventative and evidence-based alternative medicine as a lower-cost way to protect health and well-being.
- Invest in research for chronic and invisible diseases and disabilities to improve quality of life and economic capacity.
- Support family caregivers, community-based doulas, and other emotionally and culturally integrated healthcare.