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Melissa Chaudhry has received glowing endorsements from the following organizations

48th district dems logo

The 48th LD Democrats have voted to endorse Melissa Chaudhry, two-to-one!

43rd district dems logo

The 43rd District Democrats - the most powerful in the State - have given Melissa Chaudhry an overwhelming sole endorsement while also voting to censure our opponent, Adam Smith. This is unprecedented! Thank you for the vote of confidence from the 43rd!

33rd dems logo

We've been honored to receive the overwhelming sole endorsement from the 33rd LD Democrats. They interviewed both Melissa and Adam Smith and decided Melissa was by far their preferred candidate!

Stranger logo

We've also received the sole endorsement of the Stranger - a major influence in Greater Seattle politics - in a glowing review.
"On policy knowledge, rhetorical prowess, and sheer drive, none hold a candle to Melissa Chaudhry."
"Lays out clear, practical solutions. [...] Smart, capable, and empathetic."


We're proud to announce that Melissa has received the endorsement of the Veterans and Military Families of the Washington State Democrats. We note that they gave this endorsement despite Smith's tenure as top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee. As the proud spouse of an honorable disabled American veteran, their support means the world to Melissa and her team!

AMAC logo

We've also earned the support of the American Muslim Advancement Council ("AMAC") in their efforts to build "a brighter future for American Muslims, and a brighter future for us all." Thank you, AMAC!

GSN Seattle logo

The Global Solidarity Network - Seattle, which advocates for issues of justice and peace related to Palestine, has also given Melissa their vote of confidence. ✅

Transit Riders Union logo

The Transit Riders Union has given Melissa their sole endorsement!

Sunrise Movement logo

The Sunrise Movement - Seattle has given Melissa their endorsement! To earn it, she formally took up the mantle of Green New Deal Champion, and will co-sponsor and support all Green New Deal legislation in Congress!

More organization-level endorsement conversations are scheduled, and we look forward to sharing more good news!

Elected Officials and Fellow Candidates

Melissa Chaudhry has also received endorsements from several elected officials, both locally and state-wide, and from fellow candidates for other elected positions:

Yasmin Trudeau headshot

Yasmin Trudeau, Washington State Senator of the 27th Legislative District

Rami Al-Kabra headshot

Rami Al-Kabra, deputy mayor of Bothell

Krystal Marx headshot

Krystal Marx, former deputy mayor of Burien

Hân Trần headshot

Hân Trần, Washington Human Rights Commissioner and Northshore School Board Director

In the words of Buddhist monk who played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement, Thích Nhât Hanh, “You can evaluate the quality of your authority by looking deeply to see if compassion is the foundation of your leadership.” This is precisely what I see in Melissa. She has a strong moral compass and is consistent in her values. She will lead with compassion.
Imraan Siddiqi headshot

Imraan Siddiqi, Executive Director of the Washington chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and Congressional Candidate for Washington's CD-8

Tariq Yusuf headshot

Tariq Yusuf, Candidate for Seattle City Council Position 8

In the meantime, the kind and supportive words have been pouring in. Thank you all.

Other Important Endorsers

(*) Organization listed for identification purposes only
I’ve watched Melissa Chaudhry for years as she's gained experience, gained perspective, and formed her political platform. I know that her intelligence, empathy, courage, and strength of character have each been shaped by the lives she’s touched - and that have touched her - in half a dozen countries. As a student, employee, entrepreneur, wife, mother, advocate, advisor, and now leader, Melissa has listened carefully to the voices around her. In her decisions, she's weighed risks and benefits with insight and nuanced judgment, gained deep skills in understanding other opinions, gained supporters across the political, social, and economic spectrum, risen to every challenge she’s faced, and overcome hurdles with grace, competence, and persistence. Her unusual intelligence is evident after a brief interaction, her curiosity is unbounded, and her integrity is evident and principled. She has lived through the issues her vulnerable constituents face every day, so her compassion is born from personal experience. Unlike the incumbent, Melissa has worked overseas, has lived in poverty, and has gained skills she wanted that she knew could not be met just with education. She has a profound admiration for military service and is married to a disabled veteran, but she never confuses personal courage and national service with policies and decisions that place service members - or civilians - at unnecessary risk. Melissa describes herself as neither an optimist nor a pessimist but, instead, living a life of “applied hope.” She has made herself into an informed, compassionate, articulate, courageous, determined, and effective political candidate. She deserves your vote, and she'll be an excellent choice. — Eric Rasmussen, MD, MDM, FACP

Tired of war? Tired of your tax dollars leaving our country rather than being spent on our American seniors, our American children, our American lands? Vote for change and vote for Melissa: the only candidate on the your ballot for Congress, District 9 that is pro - American. Are you proud of your forefathers and mothers who pioneered and were self made people? That’s Melissa and how her campaign is forged. I have had the privilege of working at the highest level of civil service in our federal government and as a family doctor caring for Americans across our beautiful country. There are leaders who succumb to pressure and fear and there are leaders who stand for our American principles of liberty and justice for all. Melissa is the only candidate on your ticket for House in District 9 that deserves your vote.


— Naureen Shaikh MD FAAFP FNAPCRG swMBA
In the words of Buddhist monk who played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement, Thích Nhât Hanh, “You can evaluate the quality of your authority by looking deeply to see if compassion is the foundation of your leadership.” This is precisely what I see in Melissa. She has a strong moral compass and is consistent in her values. She will lead with compassion. — Hân Trần
Washington Human Rights Commissioner and Northshore School Board Director
Amy Hagopian
UW School of Public Health (*)
Gabriel Jones
City of Renton Equity Commission (*)
Aisha Jumaan
Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Fund (*)

Our Valued Community

For too long this diverse and progressive district has been represented by an out of touch incumbent. From tabling resolutions to hold Saudi Arabia accountable to calling for the arrests of students who protest for justice in Palestine, Smith has used his power to uphold empire while ignoring South King County residents facing poverty, displacement and environmental racism. It’s time for a change. Vote Melissa Chaudhry. — Nathan Wall
Global Solidarity Network Seattle fully endorses Melissa Chaudhry! — Heather Yingling
Executive director
Melissa - I have personally known your warmth and selfless care that you have always extended towards me and my family. Standing in support with you always! — Wardah Saleem Kashmiri
Public Health Leader
About time we get a "real" progressive candidate from CD9. Adam Smith is financed by AIPAC and represents their interests. He is way past his Best By Date and we need a fresh face to represent CD9. — Hammad Hashmi
Melissa Chaudhry is the bold, grassroots leader we need in Congress—fighting for peace, justice, and a future where every voice is heard. She stands up to war profiteers, rejects corporate influence, and brings a fresh, empathetic vision that puts people first. Vote for Melissa Chaudhry, and let’s build the change we deserve! — Bronwen D
Melissa is the type of fresh, energetic and Progressive young voice that is needed to help move our country to a path of justice for everyone. For too long "justice" in our country has been available to the highest bidder. As the richest nation in history, Melissa believes that there is no excuse for homelessness, for a "healthcare" system that is designed to meet the needs of corporations and the wealthy while half the bankruptcies in this country are because most people cannot afford needed care. Instead of meeting the needs of the American people over half of the national budget each year is spent on weapons that support the corporate domination of the world. Melissa will provide a refreshing change to the halls of Congress as she promotes the actual needs of the American people. — Larry Kerschner
Melissa is what's right with America. — Dan S
Melissa, your courage, intelligence, and empathy are greatly appreciated. We're here for you! — Suzanne Z
I'm thrilled to be working with you. You must be sent from heaven! — Lyka B
I'm so glad Melissa is running. We need principled and committed leaders in office. Her passion and experience will serve us well! — Jill R
Mohamed Mahfouz
Jessica Juarez Scruggs
Beth Hintz
Liz Binz
Michaela Banks
Madeline Askew
Shelley Green
Farheen Chaudhry
Ali Chaudhry
Alycia Farrell
Timmy Hodkiewicz
陽菜 山本
Afifah Kashif (VP, UW Women in Law)
Zahra Eslami
Asra Ghori
Reema Khasawinah
Bilal Syed

The 9th Congressional District deserves new, progressive leadership in Congress. Our current representative is captured by the military-industrial complex. Melissa would be a voice for peace and progressive values in Congress. — Brenton Clark
I vote for Melissa. — Mohamed Mahfouz

Friends of Melissa Chaudhry for Congress
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