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Vote Melissa Chaudhry for Congress


Principled. Experienced. Unbought.


Hello! My name is Melissa Chaudhry, and I'm running to be your Representative in Congress from Washington's Congressional District 9 (CD-9). 

View a map of CD9 or look up your address directly.

My opponent is Adam Smith, who represents lobbyists of Washington DC rather than his constituents here in Washington state. I represent an opportunity for change.

Life Experience

15 years in civil rights, housing, community activism, human services, global sustainability work experience, climate innovation. Studied systems science, grassroots history, peace organizing, ecological design, macroeconomics, global finance, the trajectories of empire, the roots of war. Daughter and wife of veterans. BIPOC immigrant family; biracial child.

vs Adam Smith

30 years in Washington DC, 20 years on the Armed Services committee. 7 years in the State Legislature. Barely 1 year as a practicing lawyer.

Campaign Funding

100% grassroots, people-powered campaign

vs Adam Smith

95% of campaign funding comes from AIPAC and war-profiteering “defense contractors” (


Low-income housing (Seattle area), sustainable agriculture and jobs-training(Ghana), green materials and infrastructure (Puget Sound), advances in healthcare (Seattle area), reforestation (Indonesia), frontline addiction treatment here in Washington.

vs Adam Smith

Forever war, Patriot Act, domestic espionage and propaganda acts, Iraq war, funding $20B to Israel for genocide in Gaza, $60B for Ukraine.

Forever Wars

Opposed. The forever wars are unconstitutional, un-American, and immoral. Only Congress can declare war.

vs Adam Smith

Faithful rubber stamp for the “forever wars” caucus

Genocide in Gaza

This is a war crime. The US should use our power to promote peace rather than continue to enable genocide.

vs Adam Smith

Staunch supporter of Israeli actions in Gaza. Asserts there is “no genocide”.

Progressive Issues

Genuine progressive on healthcare, housing, environment, transportation, immigration, the economy, labor, and religious diversity. Lived roots in diverse cultures and communities. BIPOC family.

vs Adam Smith

Usually does align with the Progressive Caucus on issues such as housing, the environment, and transportation. 

Constitutional Rights

Firmly believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Free speech is the single most important aspect of being an American. Without the First Amendment, we lose the soul of America.

Will protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

vs Adam Smith

Condemns free speech, voted for the AAA that violates the First Amendment.



The choice is stark. And the stakes are high - for our district and our country. Send a message that we want change and that we want our politicians to represent us. Vote for Melissa Chaudhry in the primary election in August, and again in the general election in November.

Washington State has "jungle primaries". The top two candidates of any party from the primary election at the beginning of August advance to face off in the general election in November. This means you can't wait until November - be sure to vote for change at the beginning of August. It also means that I can’t “spoil” the race. It’s safe for you to vote your conscience.

Thank you for your attention and interest, and I hope to earn your support.

Together, we can make the fundamental principles of the American Republic meaningful again. Peace based on liberty, justice, equality and truth - not forever wars based on greed, aggression, and violence. . 

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